Sunday, July 3, 2022

Can Quantum Computing Make Encryption Useless?

Can Quantum Computing Make Encryption Useless?

Quantum computing is a rapidly growing research field which combines the science of computing with quantum principles such as entanglement and superposition.  Startup companies investing into quantum computing continue to pop up and Google and IBM invest millions of dollars into the development of quantum computers. As interest continues to grow, we should evaluate the direction in which they are headed and discuss ways in which they could make our security systems unviable.


Figure 1: Interior of an IBM quantum computer. Shown on


What is Quantum Computing?

Classical computing uses bits to make computations, in quantum computing, their counterpart is the qubit. A bit can be in one state at any point in time, that being either 0 or 1. A qubit is a particle that is in a state of quantum superposition and has probabilities of being in one of two states, represented as 0 and 1. It’s important to keep these suspended in their quantum state because, when observed, the qubit loses its quantum properties and is statically either 0 or 1.

Figure 2: Visual representation of a bit and a qubit. Shown on

Quantum computing scales at 2n, meaning that for every qubit that is added to a quantum computer, the number of potential states scales exponentially. Classical computing scales linearly for every bit added. This is the power of quantum computing, with the computation scaling exponentially, quantum computers can compute things much faster with far less overhead. As far as we know, quantum computers are not able to solve anything that a classical computer could not, given enough time and resources. The problem with current quantum computers is that currently the most powerful quantum processor contains only 127 qubits which is not powerful enough harness the true potential of quantum computing. This potential computational power has many thinking about the potential negative and positive uses of this technology. Many are worried about future quantum computer’s ability to break our current encryption systems


History of Quantum Computing

Research into the field of quantum computing started as early as in when Paul Benioff described the first quantum mechanical model of a computer which laid the foundation for future research into quantum computing[1]. In 1985, Peter Shor discovered a quantum algorithm that could factor large numbers very quickly[2]. This was a huge discovery because many encryption systems rely on the hardness of factorization and the discrete log problem to keep systems secure. Shor’s algorithm could theoretically solve both with ease, breaking many of the cryptographic system’s that we have in place. The importance of this discovery brought much more attention and resources to the field of quantum computing. In fact, this was most likely among the discoveries that spurred the NSA to create the Penetrating Hard Targets project which aims to create a quantum computer to crack cryptographic systems. Shor followed this up the next year with a paper detailing the creation of quantum error codes[3]. Quantum computers are unreliable due to the difficulty of sustaining quantum states for long periods of time. The discovery of quantum error codes would allow for quantum error correction. With the implementation of quantum error correction, using Shor’s algorithm to break encryption would be physically viable.


Research and development of quantum computers increased at a rapid pace since then. Notably, in 2016, Rainier Blatt and Isaac Chuang realized the first efficient implementation of Shor’s algorithm on a quantum computer in which they factored the number fifteen[4]. Although unable to factor large numbers necessary to break encryption,  this development made the threat of Shor’s algorithm more real. Recently, in November 2021 IBM unveiled their 127-qubit quantum processer “Eagle” which is the most powerful quantum processor available today[5]. Despite the rapid advancement of quantum computing in recent years, due to the overhead of implementing quantum error correction, we are still a considerable way off from a computer capable of breaking our security systems.


Quantum Decoherence

One of the largest roadblocks faced by quantum computing is that of decoherence. Decoherence within a quantum computer happens when a qubit is caused to flip their quantum state either by external environmental factors or even quantum logic gates themselves can cause decoherence within qubits.


The discovery of quantum error correction in 1995 was the crucial discovery necessary to make quantum computers viable. Prior to their discovery, the future for quantum computing seemed dim as the errors caused by changes in quantum states seemed irreversible and uncontrollable. This study by Peter Shor found that the particles decohered coherently which made it possible to use the states of other qubits to check if others were decohered.[6]This in turn, would make it possible to correct the qubits that were decohered and attain a correct result. This largely fueled optimism into the field of quantum computing, as the ability for controlling errors and reversing them in large-scale quantum computers would be theoretically possible Although this was an important theoretical discovery, the technology necessary to implement error codes is not quite there yet. As I have said before the overhead cost of implementing such error codes is very large. The most viable of the strategies for error correction are surface codes.[7] To preserve the computations of qubits, one must store all the information about the processing qubits in other qubits. Researchers estimate that millions of qubits would be needed to provide fault-tolerant computers that could simulate important physics problems or use Shor’s algorithm for factoring. As such, large-scale quantum computers that are fault-tolerant are still a distant future. Much research in the short term is focused on mitigating decoherence as opposed to error correction. Strategies include creating less noisy qubits[8] or utilizing neural networks to predict errors.[9]


Quantum Computers and Encryption

Although the execution of algorithms that could crack our current cryptographic systems is still far away, we know that a sufficiently powerful quantum computer would break many of the systems we use. RSA encryption, a popular type of public key encryption relies on the hardness of factoring a large number for its encryption. With a classical computer it would take a classical computer over two years to factor a 768-bit number[10]. Using Shor’s factorization algorithm, it was calculated that on a large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computer it would only take a bit more than one day to solve[11].  Shor’s algorithm can also be used to efficiently solve the discrete log problem which is the basis of ECC cryptography. The other known algorithm able to affect our cryptographic systems is Grover’s search algorithm which can be used to find the roots of a function in half the time that a classical computer. This would effectively half the time needed to crack some of our symmetric encryption protocols, namely AES-128 and SHA-256.


Researchers have proposed multiple solutions to the problem of post-quantum cryptography throughout the years. Fortunately for us, public-key and symmetric encryption protocols do exist that stand up to scrutiny based on Shor’s or Grover’s algorithms. Solutions that consider Grover’s algorithm resolve the issues by doubling the security level, which has low costs in symmetric encryption but significantly higher costs in public-key encryption. For protecting against Shor’s algorithm, multiple proposals exist such as lattice-based encryption[12], code-based encryption and hash-based signatures. Lattice-based encryption seeks to address the weaknesses of RSA-encryption by multiplying matrices instead of prime numbers. There is no known attack capable of breaking this encryption. The size of encryption keys would have to be increased in most encryption types to protect against quantum computers. Other proposals such as code-based encryption and hash-based signatures also have no known attack that can break them but suffer from efficiency problems as the increased size of keys costs more overhead on these types of systems



Quantum computers have a ton of potential for the future and the outlook for the future is bright. Although some skeptics believe that fault-tolerant quantum computing will never be possible because of the large amounts of decoherence that comes with a large system of qubits.  Despite this, it is important to be aware of the dangers and prepare for them as research progresses into the development of quantum computers. It's important to switch over to quantum-proof systems sooner rather than later as many cryptographic systems require all participants to use the same cryptographic system. Standardizing and bulletproof testing these systems in the near future is also important so that they can be widely implemented throughout the world.



[1]        P. Benioff, “The computer as a physical system: A microscopic quantum mechanical Hamiltonian model of computers as represented by Turing machines,” J. Stat. Phys., vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 563–591, May 1980, doi: 10.1007/BF01011339.

[2]        P. W. Shor, “Algorithms for quantum computation: discrete logarithms and factoring,” in Proceedings 35th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, Nov. 1994, pp. 124–134. doi: 10.1109/SFCS.1994.365700.

[3]        P. W. Shor, “Scheme for reducing decoherence in quantum computer memory,” Phys. Rev. A, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. R2493–R2496, Oct. 1995, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.52.R2493.

[4]        T. Monz et al., “Realization of a scalable Shor algorithm,” Science, vol. 351, no. 6277, pp. 1068–1070, Mar. 2016, doi: 10.1126/science.aad9480.

[5]        P. Ball, “First quantum computer to pack 100 qubits enters crowded race,” Nature, vol. 599, no. 7886, pp. 542–542, Nov. 2021, doi: 10.1038/d41586-021-03476-5.

[6]        P. W. Shor, “Scheme for reducing decoherence in quantum computer memory,” Phys. Rev. A, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. R2493–R2496, Oct. 1995, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.52.R2493.

[7]        A. G. Fowler, M. Mariantoni, J. M. Martinis, and A. N. Cleland, “Surface codes: Towards practical large-scale quantum computation,” Phys. Rev. A, vol. 86, no. 3, p. 032324, Sep. 2012, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.032324.

[8]        L. Kranz et al., “Exploiting a Single-Crystal Environment to Minimize the Charge Noise on Qubits in Silicon,” Adv. Mater., vol. 32, no. 40, p. 2003361, 2020, doi: 10.1002/adma.202003361.

[9]        C. Kim, K. D. Park, and J.-K. Rhee, “Quantum Error Mitigation With Artificial Neural Network,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 188853–188860, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3031607.

[10]      T. Kleinjung et al., “Factorization of a 768-Bit RSA Modulus,” in Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2010, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010, pp. 333–350. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-14623-7_18.

[11]      P. W. Shor, “Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Prime Factorization and Discrete Logarithms on a Quantum Computer,” SIAM J. Comput., vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 1484–1509, Oct. 1997, doi: 10.1137/S0097539795293172.

[12]      J. Hoffstein, J. Pipher, and J. H. Silverman, “NTRU: A ring-based public key cryptosystem,” in Algorithmic Number Theory, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1998, pp. 267–288. doi: 10.1007/BFb0054868.

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