Sunday, June 27, 2021

How Is CRISPR, Gene Editing Technology, Contributed to Sustainable Food Systems and Agricultural Development?

Food science and technology have substantially contributed to new and efficient ways for producing crops. With growing populations all over the globe, there is a dire need for more sustainable food systems in order to keep up with the demand for food. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates, that the world population will surpass 9.1 billion by year 2050, at which point the agricultural systems will not be able to supply enough food to feed everyone [1]. If we are not properly implementing green solutions, rising food prices, climate change, and crop failures are all realistic consequences for not taking this problem seriously. 

Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats also known as CRISPR, is focused on the use of Cas9 based technologies used for editing the genome in eukaryotic cells [2]. This technology offers adaptive immunity in bacteria, allowing for various food sources to be redesigned and produces more durable plants against other harmful bacteria. Genome editing can vastly expand our ability to increase food production and come up with viable solutions to food security. It has already been applied to organisms today including yeast, corn, rice and tomatoes. By targeting the genome, scientist are able to improve plant growth under drought conditions, low nutrition/fertilizer conditions, and enhance the nutrition potential of future food crops [2]. 


Figure 1. The Difference between GMPs and CRISPR Gene Editing

What is CRISPR and How is it Different Than GMO Food Production? 

CRISPR is a simple yet powerful tool that allows scientists to edit the genome. ‘Editing’ the genome essentially knock-outs/cuts out parts of a DNA strand in order to have specific traits or characteristics displayed in complex organisms. By utilizing a “knock-out system”, the CRISPR-Cas9 system can modify DNA sequences through the guided help of a single synthetic RNA guide [3]. This RNA guide can be so specific, that it will only target one sequence in a DNA strand. Which in turn helps minimize unwanted complications and allows for highly functional and exact results. 


Genetically modified food, also known as GMOs, on the other hand are a combination of genes from different organisms [4, 5]. There are several mechanisms for DNA transfer, however this is something that occurs naturally within nature. For example, DNA transfer is a major mechanism that pathogenetic bacteria utilizes in order to become antibiotic resistance [4]. Many GMO food is available to the public now and amongst some groups there is controversy over the safety of these products. Some of the main positive aspects of this technology is the increased food production which directly increases the farmers productivity, and it also increases the vitamin content in the food, all while decreasing the price of food [6].

Both these scientific methods deal with DNA strands, but there are slight differences between the two making them very different. CRISPR is able to singularly attack a DNA strand that is already present, while GMOs alternatively add in genes from a different organism into the genome. It is important to distinguish that CRISPR is also highly accurate, since it specially targets the exact spot, it needs to edit, without harming other strands of DNA [3, 7]. Scientific advancements like CRISPR and GMOs are incredibly necessary for the survival of humanity. Without this progression of technology, there would be a vast number of problems within the agricultural industry already. 


Figure 2. Timeline of the first application use of CRISPR-Cas9 system within fruit crops

The Benefits of Using CRISPR, and its Impact on Sustainability.

Currently, one way technology has influenced modern agricultural surrounds the physical process of plant breeding. This technique has not only improved the crop yield of farmers, but also increased the quality of the crops as well. However, there are flaws with this process. Since plant breeding relies on finding plant populations with sufficient variations and using the conventional GMO cross-transfer of DNA, time and resources will limit this solution in the future [7].

Although CRISPR is relatively new within the agricultural industry, there are many solutions this research offers to current and future problems within this field. Crop durability has always been a main concern amongst farmers. Diseases can wipe out an entire field if the plant is not strong enough to resist the harmful bacteria. However, with recent research, CRISPR has already shown success in creating more durable plants.  “Within wheat plants, scientists have been able to provide resistance against devastating powdery mildew fungus, whereas in corn and tomato’s, more challenging and complex traits have been successfully altered” [7, 8]. Through this added protection, a positive correlation between durability and productivity begins to form. By using CRISPR, we can increase the amount of food being produced throughout the world. 

Nutritional improvement is another area that scientists have been focusing on. Healthy development and vitamins come from eating an assortment of fruits and vegetables. By increasing the nutritional value within our produce, we could drastically impact current obesity, diabetes, and other metabolic diseases prevalence. And there has been substantial evidence to support that CRISPR does indeed increase the nutritional value of produce. With one study claiming that by "employing CRISPR innovation in plants to augment high yields, disease resistance, and increase nutrition content, improvement has proved to be propitious in contrast to other genome engineering technologies" [18].Meaning that CRISPR is already a more favorable technology to use compared to the innovations made in the past.

In the United States alone the average family of four throws out an average value of nearly $1,600 annually in discarded un-used produce [17]. This astoundingly high value is not only a waste of money and energy, but it always proves that humans are not using their resources efficiently. In a search for the solution to our over-active waste problem, new research has been conducted in order to prolong the life span of home produce. Currently,"non-browning apples, mushrooms and potatoes are being redesigned by using CRISPR to mutate the Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) genes" [16].Through increasing the shelf-life of products, we would not only decrease the waste production, but also decrease the amount of money wasted on the produce. This would also put into place more sustainable and healthy food systems. 



When the human population begins to exceed the amount of food production being made, the world is going to drastically change. Climate change, crop failures and rising food prices will affect every human on this planet. We have already begun to see small changes over the years, and with time, things will only get worse if we continue the same habits. By enhancing new and sustainable technologies, we may be able to make a huge impact on the future generations’ health and livelihood. 

CRISPR’s revolutionary technology allows for gene-editing of the DNA genome, therefore modifying plants to be more aggressive versions of themselves. By increasing plant durability, nutritional value, and produce longevity, CRISPR is revolutionizing the agricultural field. This not only helps humans living today, but also offers green and supportable options for the future. There are a number of different uses for this technology within the agricultural field. However, they all center around making the world a better, healthier, and more sustainable place. There is still a lot of work to be made when it comes to sustainable food systems, however with new technological advancements, we can foresee a tangible future with CRISPR food crops.





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